Today marks two weeks of unencumbered beard growth. I would have to say that the growth thus far is right on par with what I expected. Not surprisingly, it appears the main area of beard deficiency is on and around my cheeks. I have two very measly strands of brave follicles that are nobly trying to fill this breach. Alas, I fear they may be ultimately unsuccessful.

Due to the restrictions presented by using my normal means of conveying daily photos, I have taken the liberty of snapping some additional pictures today for your amusement. I thought it only proper that you should have a full representation of just what we're dealing with here.

To my co-workers that I saw briefly today, it was good to see you all. I am sorry I did not have more time to chat with most of you, but that is the reality of being parked at a State Street meter with only a dime at your disposal.
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