Sunday, February 15, 2009

Avast Me Hearties!

I put off an official statement in order to be exceedingly sure, but I have a really important announcement to make. From this point forward, I am to be known as Rodgers the Red Bearded Welsh Terror, or RBWT for short. You heard it here my friends, my beard is growing in predominantly red. If you look at my latest picture, you can clearly see that where the light hits the follicles in the bottom left, there is a distinct red glimmer.

A schedule for plundering will be released shortly.


  1. That is bullshit. You haven't got a welsh ounce of blood in you, you nazi fuck.

  2. Quick, name me a red bearded nazi? I thought not my friend. The beard doesn't lie.

  3. Since there hasn't been a good movie name for you to work with, and going with that schema hasn't given you the fortune of winning Fantasy yet, I suggest your team name be something along the lines of Red Bearded Welshes or such.
