Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fee Simple Absolute

I am a little over half way through my first work week of studying. So far, things seem to be going reasonably well. I finished up torts last night and did some practice questions which was thoroughly demoralizing. The MBE portion of the exam, or multiple choice to the layman, is pretty much the collective work of a bunch of seasoned lawyers who are out to try and trick you on every question. There is nothing more frustrating than reading a question on a subject matter you absolutely know cold, then not being able to answer it simply because the answers are written in some arcahic form of the English language.

Today I put torts aside and moved into property law. This is an area most people find to be the most difficult simply because of the sheer volume of information that can be tested. In my opinion, property is difficult because it still frequently utilizes common law tools from hundreds of years ago. The terminology is also pretty hard to get your head around. For example, we will be tested on our intimate knowledge of what distinguishes a fee simple subject to a condition subsequent, from a fee simple subject to a shifting executory interest. If you really want to make your head explode, google or wikipedia the Rule Against Perpetuities.

I am hoping to finish up property today and move into criminal law tomorrow. We'll see how the MBE questions go tonight.

1 comment:

  1. In my opinion, the fact that there are specialists explaining and helping people when they want to buy or sell property rights is great, because not everyone can understand the laws and regulations in this field.
